Monday, February 8, 2016

The Socialist Is In

The doctor is in and will see you now. Now that Barry is one his way to nationalizing health care, reducing entrepreneurial general practitioners to the status of being mere employees of the state, the new generation of doctors are starting to act the part.

They seem more preachy, more bossy, less tolerant and more sanctimonious than did private sector doctors a generation ago. They wish to pry into their patient's personal lives and gun ownership patterns, things unheard of from doctors 20 years ago in less prescriptive days.

When GPs are converted into good conformist little socialists, as bureaucrats, they seek to direct and control their patients, not just provide medical care. Power over the stupid, loser, patient (unruly adult children) is a phenomenon that fellow bureaucrats working for the City have displayed for generations. They live off the public and dictate to the public, not serve and obey the public.

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