Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Religious Fanaticism

The followers, of any deity and his prophet, that boast that their deity and his messenger are the only god to worship, or all non-believers and unbelievers will burn in hell, or deserve to be converted with fire and sword, are to be denounced and opposed vigorously, and by force where necessary.

The natural law of moderation dictates that a god being worshiped is not false or nonexisting (Who knows one way or the other for sure?) just because fanatical  devotees of a competing deity impugn him.

The god in question may not exist, and may not be incarnate. He is evil and follows Satan only if he or his followers so declare his loyalty to Sa. Or he may be a good god or a god that is amoral, but he is evil, or his worshipers are evil, if they brag about being the one truth faith, and all else are to be forcefully converted or  to burn in hell.

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