Sunday, September 25, 2016

Down-Sized Government

All huge, sprawling institutions are social structures that grow Lera's kingdom as the masses group-live, work and live out their lives as nonentities, obedient, cowed, enslaved and dependent minions on elites that rule them for handouts and direction.

God is an individualist, the greatest one that every lived. Being God and ruling the universe is the loneliness job imaginable. Loneliness is a precondition of being a major divinity. To be that great is to be very alone.

We, living as living angels, individualists, individuators and private persons, will only find the love, the self-love and the confidence to be happy and free and follow God if we are freed up from the clutches of demonic, bit central government, which makes people be and feel small, worthless, worthy of self-contempt and hateful. They run in packs to hide from the truth, and to succeed at denying that they feel ashamed, embarrassed, inadequate and dissatisfied all the time.

We individuator conservatives must push to downsize and right-size government, and then keep it small and tightly regulated and focused, so that Satan's most efficient (efficient for growing evil in society) means of growing his realm is thwarted.

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