Monday, July 30, 2018

Mavellonialist Ambassadors

If or when this movement catches on, each of us that are individuators will be closely watched for misbehavior, character flaws and outlandish statements as representative of Mavellonialism, and God's reaching out to De's large souls.

With these heavy responsibilities weighing down upon us, we Mavellonialists must conduct ourselves in private and in public like ladies and gentleman. The collectivists, the secular, the unbelievers and the overt children of darkness hate us and their primary or sole ambition is to destroy us. Our virtues and accomplishments will be downplayed, ignored or flat distorted into something shameful.

Our vices will be magnified, writ large and exaggerated. We are Mavellonialist ambassadors to the world, to the forgotten men and women that are lost, confused, searching, group-living nonindividuators hungry for a change, hungry for spiritual sustenance that frees them from Lera's grip on them.

If we conduct ourselves well, we reflect well upon the Mother and the Father, the deities that we work for and are aligned with.

If we are ogres or criminal, we discredit and bring our shame and embarrassment upon our splendid deities. That is now what Mavellonialist ambassadors do. Their conduct in the world matters.

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