Saturday, February 22, 2020

Genius In Politics

2/22/2020: The reason that the Minnesota GOP Establishment statewide is viciously attacking MGR, Megastar, and Minnesota Right To Life is that they are really upset by bruising beating that these grassroots uprisers have put on them and the DFL.

The Dorrs brother possess brilliant political acumen. They do not lobby like other lobbyists at the state capitol, like Minnesota Gun Owner Caucus and the NRA. These two organization are owned by the politicians and do their bidding. They are whores and puppets manipulated by and beholden to their whore-masters and puppeteers, the special interests, the politicians and bureaucrats running things in St. Paul.

What the RINOs are furious about is that the Dorrs and the other upstart conservative organizations have exposed them totally, and the voters of Minnesota are on to them. RINOs grow big government, grow the welfare state, grow the socialist monster in St. Paul, they fund abortion, suppress gun rights and grow tyranny against the citizens and taxpayers. The Republicans, the Democrats and the Independents in St. Paul are the swamp, and they like it that way. They do not feel guilty but are angry at being exposed by the Dorr’s et al, and fear losing their power, access and money.

Aaron Dorr has a shrewd understanding of the dangers of a lobbyist being an insider, too close to and walking too often, too long in the corridors of state power. Politicians corrupt the lobbyists, and the lobbyists corrupt the politicians, and all get rich, get powerful, lose their souls and grow the state and tyranny, as a ruling elite disenfranchising, living off of, and ordering about the citizens and taxpayers, not serving them, not representing their constituency, not serving the public interest.

Aaron Dorr, I believe, taught his younger brothers, and other nascent no-compromise gun lobbyists from around the country, to stay out of the corridors of power at state capitols. Put in an occasional appearance, shoot some videos for loyal members, testify when possible, and talk to a few politicians, and push some gun rights legislation, while combating gun-grabbing legislation.

Aaron wants voters to be the actual lobbyists, doing the actual lobbying be done by the citizens, by the tens or even hundreds of thousands. When grass roots lobbying from a politician's district yell at him, and threaten to not for his reelection, then he is scared. Aaron shows great insight into human voters. The people have the real power, and always did. If they wake up, get informed, organize, stay politically alert, engaged, and communicate to their elected officials that they, the voters, are the bosses and will not tolerate deviation by politicians from voter orders given and betrayed.

I see a future where we make America and Minnesota great again. We once again have limited government, a greatly expanded civil society, much smaller leaner government no longer social engineering, and violating the Constitution as Progressives have done for the past 100 years. We will again live under our constitutional republic with our full right to bear arms, with our free market economy with much restored personal liberties and privacy without government intrusion and meddlesome micromanagement. If we become what I refer to as self-realizing, religions supercitizens, we can make this grass roots movement grow until we reestablish America the rich, powerful, free and beautiful for another 100 years.

The swamp-dwellers in St. Paul are liars, thieves, authoritarian thugs, elitists of the worst kind, scammer and con men. They want the Dorrs to come to the capitol and stay there so that the legislators can surround them, bribe them, schmooze, flatter, bride and dictate to them, until they are enthralled, owned, bought and sold, and betraying the common people, like the rest of the lobbyists, special interests and insider swamp-dwellers.

Lobbyists ensnare the new politicians until they betray their campaign promises. Veteran, sold-out, jaded politicians ensnare new lobbyists until they sell out to and become part of the broken system.

Only by staying no-compromise, working from outside the swamp, and by firing up the little people to take over the system and boot all the swamp-dwellers out of office--only then will the socialist juggernaut be halted. Only then will unlimited, ever expanding big state government will limited in size and scope as it has gobbled up more and more of the economy and private wealth.

MGR is a grassroots reform group to protect our gun rights. We do believe in the constitutional republic. We do assert that the people are the boss to be obeyed by their politicians or else. We do believe in natural rights, including God's gift of bearing arms for us to defend ourselves and our nation against violent attack from within and without. Liberty must and will be restored.

In their attacks on the Dorrs and us, the swamp-dwellers accuse the Dorrs of being scammers and con men who do no work for their money, who do not lobby at the capitol, who have no influence. Really? The Dorrs are outsiders.

I believe that we are all born in sin. God made us this way and gave us the Constitution, our republic and our rights so that we could be religious, moral, educated citizens able to handle liberty and enjoy our private property, happiness and preserved lives with limited but strong government in place to protect and guarantee these rights, without being without internal checks and balances so that it turns tyrannical, and those in power become entrenched elites addicted to power and working tirelessly to exploit, subjugate, bully, terrorize, tyrannize and abuse he citizens--like the swamp-dwellers crave to succeed at in their abuse of power to deprive Minnesotans of the right to have and bear arms.

My hunch is that the early idealists in the NRA once were anti-Establishment, but not they are part and parcel of the Establishment, owned, sold out and promoting gun control. If the Dorrs ever become successful insiders, we will have to be reluctant to trust them, for once the swamp takes in a lobby group leadership, they become its servants, they forget why they came to the capitol in the first place.

Ben Dorr warns us to trust no politician and not assume that they are not betraying us and lying to us. It matters not if they are Republican or Democrat. If they promise to fight gun control and advance gun rights, but do not introduce the bills to the floor and vote as they have promised, or if they actively sponsor gun control legislation or at least do not obviate it, they are traitors.

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