Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Warning

Both Hoffer and Stirner repeated caution us to the dangers of what happens when intellectuals worship a word as a magical totem/abstraction/cause for each individual to suberve himself to--his holy cause to spread across the world, and terrorize all unbelievers to succumb to its unholy power.

Only the individual, as the calm, impartial, sensible thinker and individuator, steeped in ethical moderation, epistemological moderation and individual living, has the discipline, strength, training and orientation to enjoy and to benefit from living under selected, beneficial abstractions, guided by the objective truth and divine wisdom highlighted through the study and application of such abstractions, without his free adherence and obedience to, and his willing self-subjugation to the behavioral rules implicit in and emanating out of said abstraction, from, over time, degrading into an extreme allegiance to his selected cause, as the answer to all problems in the universe, the answer to be forced upon all unwilling habitants across the globe, by torture and the sword, if necessary, "for their own good".

We humans must personally, repeatedly, consciously, publicly and privately state in clear language, that we accept that we are sinners, sick in heart and soul. We instinctive altruists hate ourselves and crave suffering, tyranny, cruelty and mob existence in a mass movement in worship of an enthralling ism that we worship as our demonic ism of choice. We innately lust for the absolute power of powerlessness. We cannot ever get enough control over our neighbors as all are forced to live together as a suppressed, cowed, huddled mass doing the bidding of the Dark Couple.

We must love the Light Couple. We must use our reason, our healthy sentiments and our ennobling intuition to live in accordance with the spiritual and ethical principles that are a part of natural law. It is always complicated, tricky and elusive to know what is objetcively true, what is God's will for us, and how we are to live to be good angels. The force of moderation ontologically at work in the universe renders final, stationary answers about the concerns just previously mentioned hard to nail down with complete certainty, for the targets are always moving and evolving.

We can know how to live. We can discover God's will, but we must be humble regarding our claims to absolutely goodness and intellectual certainty. With these caveats known and lived by, we should be right and in the right most of the time.

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