Monday, September 13, 2021

Stunning Anti-Truths

Jordan Peterson has labeled Big Lies--which he refers to as anti-truths--that are cruel, destructive and believed by all in a society, indoctrinated to its veracity and applicability. There are many of them, but I can think of two that have no end of trouble for the Children of Light in every generation. First individuals and egoist ethics are besmirched as evil and joiners with their altruist ethics are identified and celebrated as good and desirable. Satan and Lera have deceived and tricked the masses into blacklisting and rejecting individualism and egoism and wicked. In this way, the masses run in packs, and their selfless behavior keeps them undeveloped, selfish, cruel, mendacious, dishonest. Through this mass hypnosis, people remain cruel and vicious, and the Dark Couple continue to rule this world. The Light Couple are individualists and the Dark Couple are joiners, leaders and gurus of their mass movements. Second, extremism is virtue and moderation is simply opportunistic positioning to gain wealth, rank or to secure one survival. To love is to be moderate, balancing yin and yang. Moderation is using gentle means to achieve one's noble end, never using violence, threats or terror to coerce unwilling converts to join one's holy cause. Moderation is asserting one's God-given right to wield legitimate personal power, but never allowing oneself to be enslaved and oppressed by a neighbor or exhibiting a willingness to oppress and enslave any neighbor, not celebrating his independence and self-sufficiency as he wields power given to him by God. Another anti-truth is that nature is benevolent and the human/artificial/unnatural/industrial/urban world is cruel and where Satan originates. The opposite is true. The Pilgrims saw the primal and primeval forests of the Northeast as wicked, sinister places, filled with spooks and monsters, while the simple hamlets on the coast were bastions of virtue, goodness, light, godliness, love and hope. They had it right. The city is where liberation and goodness occur, and Hoffer well knew this. Another anti-truth is that human nature is neutral or basically good. We are born depraved, and we cannot become kind, noble, holy and loving until we realize and accepts that we are natural beasts that must build up our virtuous characters so that our weak angelic sides can become who are are and this achieved good nature will then show itself and avail itself to imprvong our lot and the lot of the entire world. Here is an anti-truth: Jordan Peterson and Dennis Prager have a joint video in which they refer to the tragi sense of life (We are born into this world with its suffering and malevolence, and we are born ignorant, irrational, weak, selfish and cowardly. We are born evil, and run in packs which are evil, and run and ruined by the Dark Couple and then our hierarchical institutions too often are built on corruption and power, not honesty, egailatarianism, competence, merit and liberty. Prager notes that the tragic view of life hardens the young person so that they can face the world and the truth about it and themselves. Once they know the truth, the suffering and the senseless cruelty, waste, nihilism and brutalitty that peopple endure and inflict upon themselves and others, then the awakedened person can be hopeful and strive to maverize, love and individuate, and thus meaning, God's presence and hope will fill his soul, ad he will be happy like none other.

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