Monday, April 17, 2023

Diferent Analysis


If you are tired of Progressive, shopworn solutions for solving social and personal problems, it could because they did not define the problems correctly, so therefore their solutions do not work.


They characterize problems from a social, collective viewpoint, so their similar solutions will make things worse, not better so it is predictable that their solutions will fail.


Here is an alternative analysis: people are born fallen and wicked, but are innately good enough that, if each agent as an individual wills so better herself, she can improve her situation and make the world a better place.


People are born depraved. Then the society from which they emerge offers them a poor set of moral values to live by. Altruistic ethics promote sin, selfishness, and low self-esteem.


Western societies teach people to live as joiners, nonindividuators that group-live. These are sinful, demonic practices masked as virtue and socially desirable.


Then there is the natural, human tendency to organize millions of people into various classes along the socioeconomic ladder: that reinforces and contributes to en masse low self-esteem and collectivist priorities, for in  a hierarchical arrangement,  the majority are oppressed, enslaved, exploited and tyrannized, so they learn not to like themselves. The elite, the few at the top, that abuse and rule them are selfish and a bit more rational and individualistic than are the huddled, emotional masses at the bottom rungs of society, but the elite do not self-realize but spend their lives in ease, wealth and concentrated power, directing the affairs of everyone else, so they do not learn to develop themselves and mind their own business as individuals making something of their lives with the liberty that is their natural right and a gift from God.


Then the grouped peoples exist in institutions and hierarchies of many kinds: corporate, governmental, military, academic, educational, ecclesiastical, health services and so forth. The more institutions there are and the more powerful and colossal they become, the smaller is each individual in society, and the commensurately increased is his self-oathing and anger against reality, so he will hurt himself and all around him, and this increases evil considerably.


Finally, the collectivized masses and their rulers, without realizing it, by living in a sick, chaotic, cruel society that maximizing human suffering and loss, are serving the Evil Spirits. When people serve the Evil Spirits, they have renounced, or pay lip service or surface allegiance to the Father and Mother, to Jesus and the Good Spirits.


The Dark Couple teach people that virtue is a ruse, and that goodness does not exist. God does not exist or is just another self-justifying deity out to gain power at the expense of humans. Satan and Lera are completely cynical and untrustworthy—serial liars and betrayers: they trust none because they are not to e trusted, ever.


They teach that the underlying reality is one of endless strife and striving to gain power, wealth, and position at the expense of others. No one is important outside of his group associations, and the world is an endless battle between rival warring groups. That will never change and that is fundamental to our understanding of how life works.


Now that I have laid out the moral and spiritual problems that are inflicted upon the sad world and suffering humankind, I would like to briefly offer solutions to this sorry mess.


First, though we are born fallen, part of our natures are naturally benevolent: if we are brought up with the right set of egoistic values, so that we love the Good Spirits, others and ourselves, and act in ways by making choices and selecting actions that express that love in the world, then most people, most of the time, would be adults of good will and virtuous character, and the world then will be a fairly pleasant place to live.


Second, with the right set of moral values: moderate, rational-emotional egoism-altruism, the individuals and all of society will benefit.


Third, people must be taught to individual-live most of the time, with a deemphasis on group-living. People need to be encouraged that the Father and Mother and Jesus exist, and they command humans to take up the cross, and carry one’s worldly burden, to maverize and individuate.


Fourth, people naturally arrange themselves in stratified classes. As a society of individuators, we need to move towards a classless society, which, more or less, would be constituted by the majority of the citizens being of one class, an upper-middles class of maverizers working and doing their thing is happy liberty. There will still be a few rich and a few poor, but the power and wealth will reside with that broad deep middle class. This is the only way to end the class system that wrecks human lives.


Fifth, I long have argued that those upper middle-class citizens, the vast majority, should maverize as anarchist-individuator supercitizens in a capitalist society, a strong but limited constitutional republic.


In such a polity, institutions will be fewer, limited in size and scope, and kept limited in size and scope, with devolution and deinstitutionalization as culling tools to keep the sprawl from occurring.


As hierarchies and institutional blossom grow and spread, group oriented and collectivist economics, political structures and group-living all break out and infect the entire community.


Sixth, should a society of Mavellonialist supercitizens come about, there will be the spiritually good harvest that will accompany and grow out of virtuous living and moral excellence.


There, the Divine Couple, the benevolent deities, especially Jesus, and the Good Spirits will rule this world. There, peace, love, plenty, happiness, and liberty will abound.


There endless law-of-the-jungle striving need not be any longer the social norm. Groups versus group warfare will disappear as the new emphasis is upon each individual cooperating with his neighbor while doing his own thing.


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