Sunday, April 23, 2023

Power Assertion


We have a primal, powerful desire to live and thrive. We want to have our way, to expand our territory, increasing and augmenting the power that we start out life with.


What is vital if a child is to be become a good person is for her to enjoy inculcation in directing here egoist and altruist motives towards bring loving and healing to the world, and that effort expands and defends God established realm on earth.


Remember the natural drive to influence the world, and gain more say, power and wealth is natural personal ambition directed against others and the world itself., and that is what the individual ordinarily chases after. If however, the bad agent lacks the right egoist and altruist motives to love and heal, then she works to spread hatred, discord and suffering in the world. She aids the Evil Spirits.


You crave power, to gain more power, be it expressed as control, status, wealth, or hierarchical position. To be a good person is less about being unwilling or being unworthy to wield worldly power: rather it is more about wielding one’s “fair share of power” without amassing all power to oneself, or using the power one has to hate and to hurt.


You will lust after power, but make sure this drive is positively directed away from the power of powerlessness (group living and surrender to the herd, even if one leads it) towards the power of creativity, affection and liberty enjoyed and allowed for others.


Beware seeking after the power of powerlessness, that is, group power over other joiners and insiders, over rival groups, or over loners. Your dark ambition will taint and swamp you: you have allied yourself to the Dark Couple.

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