Monday, May 27, 2024

Not Tragic



On page 131 of his book, The Passionate State of Mind, Eric Hoffer has three entries which I quote and then comment on.




Hoffer: “          247


It is perhaps true that the hopeful cannot be tragic figures.”


My response: Hoffer seems to define those that are incurably optimistic as good people with perhaps a religious faith that has connected them to the Good Spirits and good deities. This loving and hopeful connection and orientation keeps them hopeful through encounters with problems, malevolence, bad luck, even tragic events experienced in their lives. Their faith or hope sustains them so they are not willing to let tragedy define them, as would a tragic figure that allows tragedy to shape his will and view of the world.




Hoffer: “          248


We find it easy to exalt a person if by so doing we lower somewhat the already exalted.”


My response: Hoffer has a low opinion of people. They exalt someone of ability not out of admiration for his merit and talent objectively regarded. Rather they seek to exalt those that conform to the views of their clique: those that conform are to be exalted, and outsiders or insiders rebelling against prescribe group norms are to be humbled.


There is always an element of jealousy motivating groupist nonindividuators against those getting ahead, individuating in defiance of modest group expectations, and leaving the crowd of non-achievers behind.


Another groupist assumption that retards human development is that groups assume they have a right to interfere in and control the lives of each of its members, and this militates against personal striving to self-improve.




Hoffer: “          249


Little discomforts are borne less willingly than great sacrifices. For the former only worsen the present while the latter refute it.”


My response: We are extreme creatures: we radically sacrifice ourselves and thus we feel we have conquered our unbearable present, burdensome existence.

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