Monday, May 27, 2024

Second In Importance


Yesterday, 5/26/2024, I wrote down a short video snippet of Dennis Prager talking about the flawed nature of people.


Here is my paraphrase of the video, posted on Facebook:


“The human being is flawed. This is a big issue of mine, that the second most important question is: Is human nature good?


The first most important question is: Does God exist?


If you believe people are basically good then you don’t fight your nature, and then the battle for a good world is lost.


One of the normative characteristics of human nature is cowardice. The vast majority of people are born cowards. You have to learn to be brave. Most people do not learn to be brave.


There are many nice people, many kind people, many honest people. There are very few courageous people.”


My response: I concur completely. Courage must be learned but it will not be learned unless adults teach children to be brave, that it is more important than being nice, kind and honest, all ethically very vital traits to develop and habituate in each child.


Prager is an ethical altruist, or a altruist/egoist. I am an ethical egoist, or moderately am an egoist/altruist.


People are born in sin, which means they are altruistic-collectivist naturally, more than egoist-individualist. This indicates that they hate themselves much more than they love themselves.


When people hate themselves, they are filled with dread, fear and anxiety, all traits consistent with a cowardly approach to life.


Only as individualistic individuating supercitizens will each child have the will of strength and goodness which ignites a courageous spirit in her so she can overcome her innate tendency to do what the crowd dictates, overruling her existent but weak conscience, nudging her to think for herself, to make her own decisions.


When people run in packs, practice the morality of selflessness, and group-identify, they will be cowards, for the most part.


The only time that groupists show fearless courage is when they are true believers serving in a mass movement to perpetuate and extend a holy cause across the land. But this fanatical, excessive courage is in service to the devil, spread evil, terror, and bloodshed to every citizen alive.

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