Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Altruism as an ethics of immorality is evinced most concretely as mobs of joiners, nearby a neighbor that is a great soul, execute an intentional, permanent campaign of obviation against the great soul, the victim of their abuse, their hostile conspiracy, their implemented plot to suppress the great soul, to squelch all his dreams which he intends to manifest in reality.


These enemies of the great soul gain an immense feeling of satisfaction and pleasure in thwarting his plans, his attempt to share his views with the world. If they can defeat him or kill him, that is final victory, they assume. If they poison his name with the public, telling lies, slandering, and defaming him, they can turn public opinion against him. If they can keep him silenced, deplatformed, unknown, without supporters, kept on the fringes of society, in anonymous obscurity, this collective campaign of malice and opposition fills them with great glee.


These living devils, this pack of mediocrities and nonindividuators, have denied themselves, their children and society, the benefits of the great soul’s creative works, of his new ideas, of his moral excellence. The next generation is deprived of the new that is true, good, and beautiful. The wicked opposition to the great soul, engineered by these joiners, is a tangible expression of their nihilism and hatred. They have power but their triumph is intruding the life of lies upon humanity, and their wasteful scheme makes the world a much poorer place.


They have extended and prolonged the reign of the Evil Spirits on earth. They, in their willful blindness, their ignorance, and their clear comprehension of what they have devised, refer to each other as normal, virtuous, righteous people that serve God, though they serve only Satan.


The great soul is inferior, evil, and stupid: he is the current Jew to be pogrommed.


This is rationalized, Luficerian pride, collective, false, and vicious, nakedly, openly paraded about and celebrated in society.


This is victorious altruism at work in society (victorious for a while only); this is the raw display and assertion of brutal tyranny, the mob power of powerlessness, where the selfless minions of the demons shout with joy that they have a power and narrative say on earth, as the great soul has been successfully defeated, demonized, marginalized and silenced.


They can for a few years, hold the great spirit, the godly goodness and new ideas which he exemplifies and artistically fabricates as works of art which he presents to the world for its edification, but the day of reckoning will descend. God will bring justice to earth, and the great soul, who has been crying out to God for assistance, will be heard, and divine justice in this world and in the next will be visited upon the altruistic evildoers, the children of darkness currently holding sway on earth.

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