Sunday, April 29, 2012


Journal entry: 1-21-2012

It is dire that the Golden rule has been around for millennium and yet ethical advancement does not seem to have moved forward at all. Why are people as cruel, treacherous, false and selfish as ever? First, not all people are predominantly that way, and usually, maybe not even a majority of people.

Human depravity, low self-esteem, traditional patterns of wrongdoing and the absence of the ethical science for individuals to be moderate and individuating have all worked against humanity.
Through these techniques Satan has held us down and back from progressing. Introducing the science of individual moral progress will make things change for the better.

The socialist advocates of our primitive science of altruistic, group ethics. He suggests being selfless and treating others as you have treated yourself. We have seen how poorly that works out in generation after generation, for most people typically mistreat themselves, so of course they mistreat those around them.

The egoist advises that we do unto others as we have done unto ourselves. By training ourselves to self-realize and be temperate, we are treating ourselves well. This healthy treatment will extend to how we treat those around us. So doing will bring us inner peace, self-esteem and hope for humanity.

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