Sunday, April 22, 2012


Journal Entry: 1-21-2012

Through the centuries there have been great-souled individuals, peerless and in utter isolation. How they dealt with their solitary existence varied, but in a future society of individuators, such a person would not even stand out as unique. He would be admired and welcomed socially, but not rejected, scorned or harassed. Such a person could join to the degree that he desired or remain solitary; the neighbors would not care one way or the other. They would be too busy doing their own thing. He would only need to make his intention crystal clear and it would be honored.

Peerlessness historically has been a very rough way to go, very lonely and very painful. In the future, individuators developing their own souls to the point of greatness would welcome the profound genius among them more or less as a peer, be he more or less developed than they will be. They would invite him over for a meal, or out for a drink as Lily did for Eric Hoffer.

Warm relationships, social approval, interaction with someone who cares: these desirable social connections and treatment are what the peerless one desires. Social warmth is healthy for even the greatest among us for they are human too.

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