Thursday, April 19, 2012

People on the Left

Journal Entry: 1-22-2012:

People on the Left often hate the American way of life. Better sanitation, safer food sources, medical advances, more effective drugs, cars, computers, air conditioning our tremendous liberties, the Internet, our constitutional heritage, our affluence and our high standard of living are just some of the incomparable blessings enjoyed by modern Americans. The governing class is jealous of mass freedom, power and prosperity. They are determined and dangerous in plotting to reduce the masses back to medieval subjugation. Five hundred years ago the masses lived dehumanizing, short, non-free and wretched lives.

 The only traits that are mildly repressive as insisted upon by the middle class are law and order being maintained, that people support themselves, that neighbors lead clean, decent and sober lives. The conformity expected to lead a normal bourgeois life is less conformist and more wholesome than the wholesale, corrupting uniformity of being poor, running in criminal gangs or in Leftist cliques.

Conforming to middle class basic morality and mores serve as a great foundation for building up a society where middle class citizens are transformed and self-transform into self-actualizers. If Leftists snobs scorn and reject conformity to these basic decencies, fine. Let the counterculturalists remain unhappy but not obeyed or heeded. While doing their own thing, mature citizens work and support society too, and their families, to keep things running smoothly.

The Age of the Machine is advent to the coming Age of Human Liberation. This Post-electronic Age will be the age of cultural and spiritual renaissance. In this age the secure and stable bourgeois lifestyle will serve as a firm basis for seeking more idealistic, romantic, fantastic personal goals. People will work for a paycheck while reaching for the stars.

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