Thursday, November 7, 2013

Do We Require A Strong, Private Union Presence In America?

Yes we do, but public unions should be abolished. Public unions gain sway and run things, and we do not need more Californias. Yes, I am pro-business and anti-big government, (not anti-small government--once the behemoth is cut down to size, I will be a reliable enthusiastic supporter of government officials, their spending and activities. I am a staunch individualist. But one has to live in the real world too. If even 35% of the private work force were unionized, strong unions, with strong, courageous leadership and members, this competition in the work place would get workers better pay and working conditions. It would also do much to democratize the work place, making the cruelest, fascist supervisor curtailed pretty darn quickly. Even better, let 94% of workers be individuators that are 100 million unions of one; this redoubtable army would flatten any vicious supervisors. They would still be for high quality work and productivity and industry too. They would put in a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. Oppression, injustice, unfairness, discrimination, exploitation and worker abuse would soon and totally be reduced. What less should we ask for than workplace power-sharing arrangements. Well-treated, heeded, included workers would be very happy and content. It is not too much to ask for where working adults spend at least 1/3 of each working day.

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