Sunday, January 26, 2014

Islamism As Theocratical Nazism

Today, on the Internet--it may have been Clash Daily--one Audrey Russo wrote a stinging but accurate, necessary rebuke of Islamists. The title of her article: Islam: The Only Religion That Tells Everyone On Earth What To Do.

She contrasts the current New York melting pot tradition of a blended, mutually friendly, mutually coexisting, mutually tolerant, bewildering mixture of various ethnic groups and denominations in many neighborhoods with the disallowing of such rich, moderate mixtures in Islamic countries and Islamic communities.

Let me quote her: "Wherever Islam goes, everything goes Islam.
The ideology of Islam (a totalitarian system cloaked in the Burqa of religion) views itself as above all other religions and systems. Everywhere it invades and "conquers", its sole purpose is to convert by force or by numbers. No other religion/culture is equal or tolerated as such. They come to a country and isolate their community ...because the Quran demands that they do not mix with infidels ("Dar al Harb" or "house of War", which is ALL non-Muslims)..
But isolation is but the first step. . .
This subjugated brotherhood insists upon special considerations for their "religion". . .far above and beyond any in the host nation. From the mantle of "victim", they are able to subdue the "victimizers" through paltering and deceit (Taqiiyyah) utilizing false guilt/shame (false claim of Islamophobia).
And so they have become the only religion that tells everyone on earth what to do. If you question this, simply look at Muslim regimes, ruled by Sharia Islamic Law. Their self-proclaimed superiority, inequity or shrinking of other religions, and their exorbitant tax for NOT being Muslim. . .not to mention their barbaric treatment of women and children.
With all our foibles due to our impiety as humans. . .if anyone on this globe loves the freedom given to them by the Judeo-Christian God. . .and protected by its patriots. . .then DON'T give a foothold to Islam. Because once they get their foot in the door. . .they will crush you with it!"

Her hard-hitting commentary and warning is a perfect glimpse into the most dangerous faith the world has ever known. Their resurgence now at the end of time may well lead us all to Armageddon.

As a moderate, I am fanatically anti-fanatic. Islam, in its current virulent form, is so lethal and effective because it is so uncompromising, evil and group-oriented. My ambition is to convert Muslims over time to individuating, to moderation and to spiritual goodness. Then these traits can be blended with traditional Islam, and the result will be celebrants, mullahs and mosques that would be peaceful, tolerant and coexisting with religious neighbors in the boroughs of New York or anywhere in America.

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