Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Lie Called Political Correctness

We who champion liberty disdain, reject and denounce any effort to impose politically correct speech upon people working for the government or in the private business arena.

Liberty trumps all other priorities, so free speech, free thought, freedom of worship, free practices, free actions are our natural rights, and hopefully our constitutional rights.

Those who seek to impose politically correct speech are not morally superior. They are not noble-hearted, and motivated to protect protected class persons. They are evil people pretending to be superior, but they really seek naked power over their neighbors. That is their only motive.

Under the guise of morality, sensitivity and championing the downtrodden, these grim zealots stalk the land with scimitars, threatening to and willing to lop off the head of any politically incorrect rebel that does not keep his head down in meek submission and uniformity with all his cowering neighbors.

These modern Communist operatives are the enemies of everybody. They are using the underclasses, minorities and protected class persons as a means to expand the reach of government into every area of society. They seek to enslave and brainwash all. They despise the individual. They despise liberty, and may win the battle in setting up the totalitarian state that they would love to construct.

They want to herd all into groups, with all in a class category of some kind.

I am not at all against individuals freely choosing to be sensitive and careful with how they act, speak and write. But the choice must always be theirs, mandated by none. There must not be legal, social or economic retaliation against them if they dissent. If they are vile bigots that seek by violence to attack those they detest, then oppose them however.

Short of such rare and dramatic incorrectness, the extension of, the maintenance of and protection of liberty must be our primary objectives.

If someone pulls a Phil Robertson remark, so what. Do not condemn. Do not retaliate. Make a respectful, calm, assertive communication of objection, and let it go at that. Forgiveness, tolerance and coexistence, all in the name of the preservation of liberty, are the ways to respond to communicated incorrectness.

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