Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The 2014 NRA President, James W. Porter II

In the Winter quarter edition of the 2013-2014 NRA Sports Magazine, Porter criticizes Michael Bloomberg, that very rich do-gooder, who plans to use his vast wealth to deprive Americans of their liberty and 2nd amendment rights.

Notice that Nanny Bloomberg is a very rich man, and an authoritarian liberal. He stifles liberty at every turn, expanding the reach of government into the lives of each private citizen. The rich like big government; the poor like big government.

We in the middle class must cherish liberty and self-rule over dependency on government and its handouts.

To quote Porter: "Bloomberg can buy the media and buy government, but he can't buy freedom. It is not for sale. As members of the NRA, we are the one power that stands between Bloomberg and the tyranny he would inflict across America."

Citizens must individuate and operate the political machinery themselves. When each citizens leads an elite life, it is exceedingly difficult for elitists like Bloomberg to throw their weight around.

No one gets our guns or begins to restrict our gun liberty. Get away from us.

Legislating morality under the guise of reform is an very old trick favored by power-hungry enthusiasts like Bloomberg.

The more he passes new laws enslaving the masses, the more do they misbehave and under-perform, inviting more ruling and regulating. Enslavement thus is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Freedom can be lost--rally to the NRA, and keep people-loathers like Bloomberg at bay. Reformers do more evil than anyone else in the world as they deprive people of freedom in name of the greater good.

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