Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Another Proof Of Human Depravity

With bad values and group living, as in a ghetto, many--maybe most--young people turn to crime and gangs to get the money they need to live. In such an environment, few are successful; all are selfless, and most live a life in insincerity, lies and game-playing. Most are losers.

Conclusion: we dare not allow a community to be ruled by those with bad values, because young people are naturally attracted to the alluring life of crime, welfare and drug abuse that generates such enthusiasm on the part of their failed adults models. They have no chance instinctively to rise above it all.

With good values, in other setting and another neighborhood, these same young losers would be totally unrecognizable to their ex-peers. They were be much more successful, ambitious, honest, hard-working and upwardly mobile. They would be clean and sober. They would, with education and by applying themselves steadily, gain prosperity and would rise up into the middle class or even the upper middle class, proud of their hard-earned, self-made status.

If they are introduced to good values, enjoy strict but loving care from a mom and dad, and are kept out of groups, they can do very well indeed.

With great moral training, through which they are made aware of the tremendous advantages to individual-living, and self-realization, they will be true individualists, not the slightly individualistic, modest, non-individuating exhibited and barely practiced by the groupist white majority.

No values, and the young person grow up to be dull, insipid, undisciplined and wicked.

With good or great values, his wicked nature can be overcome and individualized so that he can act civilized and succeed.

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