Monday, October 12, 2015

Maintaining The Cold Peace

For an accomplished maverizer and inveterate loner to keep the cold peace, with intolerant, fanatical groupists that will never cease hunting or harassing him, is a tough juggling act.

On one hand he wants to be peaceful, tolerant and law-abiding, but on the other hand he insists correctly that it is his due to be left alone without negative repercussions, left alone to live as he chooses, to come and go in and out of groups as he deems necessary--all without being discriminated aganst by hater-groupist that detest individuals of any level of strength, let alone a full-blown maverize like he is.

He will work to keep the peace and cooperate with groupists all around him, but that is not at all the same as turning the other cheek, and meekly accepting whatever level of abuse and vicious jibes that they hurl at him.

As a soldier of God, he is a fighter, and will defend himself and beat off aggressors. He is there to stay and to live openly as he is without discount or apology. Get use to it, or export themselves to another country--that is his assertive, and at times when necessary, even militant response.

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