Monday, November 16, 2015

Reverse Racism is Raging

F*** you you filthy white F***s. This is the swill and virulent racism of young black Black Lives Matter that invaded the library at Dartmouth College and  insulted and attacked white students.

I have long known that blacks have had equality with whites since the 60s.

They are using the veiled justification of seeking redress for continuing white racist wrongs to wring concessions from timid whites and cowardly authority figures. They really are not seeking equality--they want supremacy and reverse Jim Crow as the law of the land.

There is never any lasting cure for bigotry except for leaving groups as living and excelling as individuators.

These reverse racist black youth should be told to got to hell, get jobs, and pay for their own education. They need to hear from this old Mavellonialist: Quit feeling sorry for yourselves. Quite blaming the rest of society. Work hard, make money, develop the self, and you will be amazed and proud of your success. Whitey cannot make you rich and famous, and Whitey does not want to, and cannot stop you from being all that you want to be, now that you have legal equality of opportunity. No alibis. No bigotry. No black groupism. Live as free men and women and amount to something.

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