Saturday, November 28, 2015

This Morning

As I ate breakfast and prepared to go to work, I was reading the eiditorial page in the StarTribune, and a phrase caught my eye.The article on why can Democrats say Islamic terrorism chastises them for their hypocrisy and failure to openly, verbally label as evil what is evil, and its religious origins. Writer Ramesh Ponnuru scolds them, writing that of course the excesses of the jihadis is linked to their Muslim faith. He asks, "Are there atheists among these psycopaths?"

Great point, but I have a bone to pick with him, The genocidal jihadis must be not excused for their horrifying atrocities and acts that they commit, giving them a pass as psychopaths.

They are not insane. They are average, sane men from their culture that are religiously radicalized, totally group-orieinted, zealots doing cruel things in the name of spreading the faith of their God.

The theology may be insane, but they are not. They are zombies, little people deep within their mass maovement. They may think and act sick, but they are not psychopathic. This distinction is critically important to emphasize.

Mavellonialism is a religion of  peace and hope, By divesting any person anywhere from his savage, fanatical, backwards system of beliefs, by teaching him the ethics of moderation, by urging him to individual-live and thus embrace freedom for others and himself, no longer will mass movements like ISIS hold sway over millions of wacko-thinking but not-psychopathic true believers.

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