Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Oldest Addiction

Evil is the extreme posture, the extreme expression of emotion, the excessive or meager behavior. Evil it fanatical. Extreme sentiment is hatred of self and others.

Good is more logical than passionate, somewhat idealistic but mostly practical; it is loving, reasonable, temperate and sensible.

Addiction is an over-dependency on something that sickens us, but we cannot help but go back for more and more of what is bad for us, and killing us spiritually and physically.

In the group, extremism is normative.

As an isolated individuator, love, thought and moderation are the norm.

Being more sinner than saint from birth, our natural, overpowering addiction to group-living is the root of all evil. This addiction is impossible for most people to wean themselves from. What they truly love the most is the worst thing for them.

It would be interesting for psychologists and scientists in the future to study up on whether or not this oldest, most powerful of human addiction is the source from which all other human addictions our forth and erupt to trouble and plague suffering humanity.

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