Monday, February 1, 2016

We All Underesteimate Our Enemies

Just as Southerners underestimated the brains, courage, stamina, fighting ability and staying power of Northerners before the Civil War, we all tend to underestimate our enemies.

We indeed may be the good guys, and they may be the bad guys, or both parties to the dispute are both victimized and blameworthy instigators.

It is important to remember when one goes to war against a hated enemy, that they are smart, undaunted, brave, resilient and they can win and we can lose.

We must not be like Hitler and the Germans underestimating Russian resolve. Smearing them as subhuman did not work when Stalin's army marched into Berlin.

When a cocky middle-aged man gets a divorce, he just assumes that he can bully his ex-wife into submission--well, it does not work that way. Right or wrong, witch or princess, she can be stubborn, angry, furious and willing to fight for years to the last penny, to pound his sorry ass into the ground.

Fight when you have to to, but realize that the opposition is formidable, and victory will not be easy to achieve or keep.

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