Thursday, February 4, 2016

What Do I Think Of You?

What do I think of you, and what do I know about you  before I hear your life story, or hire an research done about you? Here it is: my generalizations are accurate, and apply, although their predictability is relative to your unique personality, choices and way of living. You are born wicked. You live in sin.

God built you this way, and the import of this double, divine blessing is that God has given you a serious ethical hurdle to surmount in order, for you,  to be a good person and lead a good, holy life.

If you individuate, and are filled with love (Pure love is pure liberty.), and are a spiritually and morally wholesome person, you will have lived up to the high behavioral standards that God has sent for humans. God demands excellence from De's children, nothing less. God has built you genetically to live as angels, so why not be good angels or Good Spirits while yet alive?

As you succeed, you will be rewarded with God's esteem in this world, and with time in heaven after death. If you rebel or fail, hellfire, to varying degrees, for varying lengths of time, will be your lot until you have repented and atoned, and made yourself, after death, by second and third efforts, worthy to enter the pearly gates.

God does not much care what good deity that you follow or worship, as long as you are trying to get to heaven. Following an evil deity is definitely forbidden.

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