Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup is maple syrup. This is a tautology and is necessarily true under the Law of Identity, and it applies in this world and in all worlds, in the past, in the present, in the future--for eternity. Well? is what is logical and validated as consistent, analytic and self-evident also what is necessarily true in all worlds forever?

Could there not be times here (miracles?) or in alternative worlds where maple syrup is sometimes, always or never maple syrup? Could such reasoning be more than meaningless, absurd, nonsensical gibberish? Could some or all tautologies sometimes, most of the time, or occasionally be self-contradictory and contradictory in general? Could some such self-contradictions be real, true, good, meaningful, logical, sane and sanctioned by God? The law of moderation would decree that some self-contradictory statements are real, wholesome and somehow beneficial, somehow, restoring the universe to balance and harmony.

Most self-contradictions and contradictory statements do not exist, and are mad, evil, destructive and meaningless, promoting nihilism and the collapse of civilization and God's right and well-ordered universe.

Some such statements are sensible, believable, wholesome, rational, meaningful constructive and do exist.

Mostly, logical, consistent, statements and tautologies can or should apply in all places all the time. We do not want logical mayhem released on the universe. Such a satanic path is not desirable to follow or extend.

If we overdo the extreme and evil side of moderate correction, we will destroy all of God's structured creation.

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