Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Golden Rule Applied

No one enjoys sarcasm, rudeness and verbal put-downs. So make the world a little batter, starting right now, by practicing some verbal politeness. Yes, Trump can Tweet, but to insult a woman's botox job, that slimy reporter out to destroy him, makes people hate Donald. He is mean and cruel-mouthed.

It distracts from the verbal agenda that we are trying to achieve. He can fight back without being nasty. Why he does not allow a speechwriter and lawyer to proofread and rewrite any Tweet that he sends is beyond me.

Do not verbally yell at people, trash them, demean them or talk to them with asperity in your voice. You are escalating war in society by so doing. Rage, hurt feeling, exacting revenge, even violence, can result.

Shut up if you cannot talk nice, and preserve the feelings of others, And self-talk with dignity and respect maintained, too.

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