Tuesday, September 12, 2017


He feels no sympathy for his critics that detest his kneeling during the national anthem. He accuses patriots of hiding their bigotry under national chauvinism, stating that racism is disguised as patriotism.

I have a news flash for Mr. Snooty: we will boycott and bankrupt the NFL. When you are working at McDonalds and running your mouth, and getting fired for talking crap at a private business, enjoy the whirlwind that you have sown.

You are a spoiled, privileged millionaire baby with just a little bit of talent. Now, at the top of the world,  you reveal your hatred of whites, of conservatives, of the middle class and average Americans. You are no different than socialist whites who are self-loathers (betraying their own people) that are professors, professional, reporters, bureaucrats and Hollywood actors that live off the fat of the land, but seek to rule and dictate to the little people that got you there and keep you there.

We need to reject, boycott and tell you all to go to hell often and repeatedly.

Your fake compassion for black youths killed by cops or whomever really is a disguise for seeking to impose tyranny and Cuban communism upon America.

I will not watch your football games, and I will not give you a penny.

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