Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Binary Choice

Do not think that being a moderate exempts me from making critical binary choices, or using the complications inherent in and involved in any binary choice made, to water down the distinction between the two.

I do argue that conservatism is smarter, more loving and is intellectually and morally superior to being a progressive, but it is more or less that way, and progressivism is dumber, more hateful and influencing people to hate, and is intellectually and morally inferior to conservatism. This in how moderation philosophically and ideationally permeates the binary choice.

One still must choose one side or the other. To be smart and good, or to be dumb and wicked. You must choose, because to refuse to choose is to choose to be dumb and wicked, and serve Lera.

You cannot escape your moral fate. You cannot escape doing your duty without afterlife and real world consequences. Choose to serve the Mother or Lera: the binary choice is yours, and the price that you will pay for your choice is one that will inexorably reap.

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