Saturday, January 27, 2018

Praying For The Departed

We pray for the departed so that they may work their way through the many levels of Purgatory, going higher and higher into heaven itself. Our prayers likely help them on their way when they are detained or stuck at a low or lower level.

Our prayers for the departed may well serve other purposes. It may be that it is like spiritual capital invested into God's cause, De's growing kingdom: the more the investment, the greater, stronger, deeper, more lasting and more quickly received is the return on investment, when there are many eager investors participating. As we pray for the departed, for God and for the Good Spirits, there kingdom is expanded faster and in a more sure way.

Our prayers likely also serve a maintenance function: keeping the expanding kingdom of heaven strong and powerful as it is already developed, so that it does not rot, corrupt or weaken from within.

God likely can only do so much in taking over the neutral kingdoms, the amoral worlds and the kingdom of Satan: God has much power and could conquer these lost lands by force, but will not because inhabitants there have to rebel and invite God in. If they voluntarily choose to aid God's invasion and takeover, then goodness actually grows and extends with more actual followers. Were God to take a kingdom over minus any internal residential support, then it is conquered but meaningless because free wills not triggered are the wills of slaves or robots involuntarily aligned with God, prisoners, not willing junior allies in the greatest cause in the world, growing God's kingdom as soldiers in God's army expressing their natural rights and second amendment rights to bear arms.

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