Monday, March 19, 2018

Brave Girl On Right Wing News Video, Poarws on 3/19/18

This striking brunette girl, articulate, caring and angry, (I can't find the Facebook video back) bout 17 years old told off her peers during a recent 17 minute walk out to fight for gun control after Parkland.

In essence she said that cornering kids, excluding kids, bullying kids is  primary cause of school shootings--it is excactly as I predicted. I recall being 14, an Irish misfit and loudmouth, in 1969 at Hoople, North Dakota, being chased into the gym and locker room by a dozen Norwegian boys throwing ice skates at my head as I fled. This happened many times, over different schools, with different age groups, over many years with different boys.

The girl said the loner misfits just be want to included, sat with, loved and left alone to be themselves.

But that is not how crowds work. Collectivism is predicated on setting up and enforcing who is in and who is out. It is a strict caste system socially, economically, institutionally, politically and militarily. Popularity is predicated earning degrees of social acceptance, and unpopularity and social have-nots must be set up and maintained so that the group identity and solidarity can be maintained.

This girl was spot on. This is why I want individualism and individual sanctity to achieve protected class status to end the institutionalized bullying. Once that starts, social acceptance will follow, and societal opposition will melt away as individual-living becomes more popular, accepted and common.

Ed Ramsey 3/19/18

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