Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Stupid Left

They solutions always fail, but they lie to themselves repeatedly, assuring and guaranteeing that next time will be different, though it never is.

They are dumb, naive, mendacious and self-deceiving, all in line with their fervor to advance their Marxist agenda. They espouse that people are basically good, and that government is unalterably good. If they can be disarm and confiscate weapons from the common people, so that only soldiers, federal police and local police are armed, the people will be free, well-off, safe and care for with liberty granted forever from their armed elites running things.

The Left in America has a long history of indulging themselves with false rationales and woven fantasies, immune from review by those offering logic, reason, common sense and reality.

They sees Muslims as harmless foreigners, gentle and peaceful, picked on by conservatives and xenophobic Christian fundamentalists.

They regard the Chinese as peaceful, not out for world conquest, nor is Putin an imperialist, or Iran or North Korea.

Like foolish and dangerous, non-interventionists Libertarians, they would disarm our military and have us come hope, but the world is never safe when the Left offers a peace movement and no military might to protect our civilization from foreign thugs.

Constitutional Conservatives are trying to revive interest in our heritage, of a Constitutional Republic, where-under the rights of minority are protected (not mob rule and majority rule--leftist, coastal democracy), government is kept small, and checks and balances are in place and the Electoral College elects our President.

America, the most rare and precious of free countries, is very sick as the Lying Left is having its way, making the body politic sick, decaying and dying.  America may well die, and that is what the Left that hates hers lusts after the most. They may well succeed.

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