Saturday, March 24, 2018


Easter is coming. Christian believe that God the Father worked his greatest and most powerful miracle by utilizing Christ's sacrificial death on the the cross, and subsequent resurrection to open the way to heaven and eternal life for all humans that repent their sins, give their lives to Christ, and accept the grace from the Holy Spirit into their lives.

If I am correct, and I believe I am, all deities, including Christ are very great-souled divinities and individualists. If this is so, it open the possiblity that our greatest and noblest heroes and self-sacrificers are not so heroic and Homeric because they are great altruists. They are very heroic great souls whose self-interest is best expressed as their self-sacrifice for the good of the whole and the collective.

Enjoy Christ and worhsip him as a very great souled individualist and egoist, or as a very great-souled altruist and king of the collective flock.

However you choose and worship, just remember that Mavellonialist thought may open new ways of looking at theology and philosophy for you.

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