Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Okay Rush

Limbaugh last week nailed it when it noted that Democrats used to hide their socialist ambitions, their real agenda--like Obama did.

Now, even old time Democrats like Shumer and Pelosi are steering Alt-Left. They do it to please the base, and the debase demands extremist excesses.

In 2018, the Democratic candidates for national office no longer even pretend to be moderate Democrats or modest liberals. Their socialist ambitions and their hardcore Progressive platform are now openly stated, proudly displayed, arrogantly asserted and heartfelt.

Ed Ramsey's first rule of recognizing extremist coming towards you and and whose proponents are up to no good: It bodes ill for society, and danger is very real, when extremists no longer disguise and hide their radicalism. It indicates that the hour is very late; they sense that total victory is close at hand, and, when it is achievable,  the masks slip and their angry, fascist thug-faces exhibit their true menacing  intentions, and ensuing brutal, totalitarian actions.

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