Sunday, July 1, 2018

Real Feminism

I like my women liberated, strong-willed, and self-determining. Here are some recommendations to mothers and fathers on how to introduce and implement real feminism in their nuclear families.

1. Bring up your daughters to receive NRA gun training. As pistol-packing women, they will be the equal of any man, determined to be free, able to defend themselves, willing to do what is necessary to repel assailants, and skilled at brandishing firearms should the need arise.

2. Bring daughters up to revere the capitalist system. A woman that is educated and certified is a woman that can make plenty of money. A women of prosperous means runs her own affairs, and needs depend upon no man to survive and get along. Then she can marry for love and stay for love, but his wealth  accumulated is largely irrelevant to her. A woman of means is independent. An independent woman is a free woman.

3. I have always believed that on average, women are a bit brighter than men, but their natural maternal instincts and their stronger herding tendencies makes them less confident, of slight lower-self-esteem, and less individualistic on average then men. Men are a bit more loners than are women. Loners are a bit more industrious, a bit more energetic, a bit more confident, are possessors of slightly higher self-esteem and of individualistic drive. She is is brought up to emulate and adopt some of these male traits with her feminine side will be a young woman that is less inclined to tolerance subjugation or domination. She will esteem herself, and will endure tyranny from none. That unwillingness to be dominated is the heart of being liberated, and then maintaining one's independence.

4. Introduce your daughters to egoist ethics. If they can come to understand, believe and accept that they are to esteem themselves, and insist that all around them so treat them as equals, treated with dignity and independence, then your daughters will grasp that enlightened self-love is only a living reality when the agent propounding this moral code treats others as equals, and insists that they treat her as an equal. She will not seek power or sadistic control of any other, and she will rebel--violently if necessary--against any hostile sadist seeking to make her accept a masochistic role as an inferior, abused, enslaved and told what to do and when. Her motto, the Golden Rule, would be: "Don't tread on me, because I tread on none."

5. Bring up your daughters to worship and dedicate their lives to the Higher Power. Whether they worship the Mother or the Father, or both, some some minor, benevolent deity, the divine presence of love and spiritual goodness, are sources of true freedom that will energize, invigorate and keep free and whole their souls in this world and the next.

6. Bring up your daughters as self-actualizing individualists. This way of life is the most liberating way of life conceivable. Read up on my Mavellonialist faith should  you have any questions or concerns.

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