Friday, August 9, 2019

Joe's Straw Man

Joe Biden offers this straw man: "Poor kids (reverse dog whistle for children of color) are just as bright and talented as white kids."

Joe, what American and what white person ever announced that minority children are not as bright and talented as white kids. We all agree on this.

So what has gone wrong, that so many of them under-perform (and plenty of under-performing white kids too, exist, please remember)? Progressivism has sickened many of these children of color so that they under-perform in school, at work as adults, and they end up in trouble with the law.

I could not agree more, with Biden. This is why we need to raise all poor kids, of any race and any background with the value system of traditional, middle class white families, with a Mom and a Dad, that are married, employed, heterosexual and totally involved with the children. They need to be pro-American, have moral values that they live by, openly worship and bring the kids up in a faith to venerate God. They need to be pro-Constitutional republic, to favor a capitalist system, and to advocate small government. It would help if the children were taught to self-realize, and work very hard and be very self-reliant. With these values inculcated and exemplified by loving parents, all kids, of any race, are as bright and talented as white kids, Joe. We do not need the nanny state to ruin and corrupt children of color anymore, Joe. Progressivism is the most racist ideology in the world. It has led to thousands of minority children being butchered in our cities, by gang violence, with illegal guns in tightly gun-controlled states. As Prager warns, you Leftists destroy everything that you touch. Baltimore and Gary are your legacy.

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