Friday, August 9, 2019

Dear Cousin

This is what I wrote to my Irish-Canadian cousin, on Facebook. Apparently, she wants guns regulated in America.

Dear Cousin:

"We will not have gun control here, Cousin, because our Constitution guarantees our natural right to keep and bear arms as private persons. We do not want Progressive fanatics, gun-haters, and freedom-haters on the Left, foreign or domestic, telling us what to do or infringing upon our Second Amendment rights. The Left has no problem butchering millions of babies, and has no problems with thousands of inner city children of color being butchered by gang violence, with illegal guns in the hands of those that devalue life, like their parents and politicians devalue the life of the helpless unborn. These Democratic strongholds have the strictest gun control laws in America and the highest murder rates. Taking away guns from law-abiding Americans will not end the murder of children by children in urban areas. The Left pleads common sense gun control for reasons of public safety but they always lie and scheme. They want the American pulbic disarmed, guns confiscated, to pave the way for a Marxist dictatorhsip. We will not surrender our guns so that Beto O'Rourke or Kamal Harris in 2023 can declare martial law and set up their cherished Marxist dictatorship. Maduro kills his disarmed civilians in socialist Venezuela, and that is what you Progressives want for America. No, I say, and I will fight to the death to keep your damned, greedy, hateful hands off our our precious liberties and gun rights. Canada and Europe and Venezuela need the citizens to have guns ownership and rights like Americans do. The world requires more Americanization, not less.

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