Friday, August 23, 2019

Stephen Harper

Harper narrates a recent Prager U video in which he points out how Israel is one of the freest, most prosperous, most humane and most tolerant nation in the world.

Still Leftists, Muslim fanatics and nations call for boycotting Israel, and some even call for its annihilation.

This vicious anti-Semitism, now on the rise again, occurs for several reasons.

First, Jews are God's chosen people, so in a world of basically evil people, running in packs, and taking orders from Lucifer and Lera, the actual rulers of this world, it is quite understandable that what they seek most is to murder all of God's children on earth as the fastest way to assert total hegemony over this world for hundreds of years.

Second, Leftist in America and Europe hate and seek to destroy all thing Western and American, and kill or enslave those that are Jewish, Christian, free, democratic, capitalist or conservative in ideology.

It is the mendacious, vile Left that still glorifies and promotes socialism and Marxism in spite of 70 million people murdered by Communists in totalitarian regimes in the 20th century. Communism should be as shunned, disgraced and excoriated and fascism, but it is still touted as an ideology of social justice, equality, equity, peace, tolerance and equitable distribution of wealth.

Progressives so loathe Westernism, Americanism and capitalism that they side with Muslims against Israel as they have steadfastly backed Communists against the West. Jews, Westerners, Americans, and capitalists are their bitter foes to be eradicated. They enthusiastically embrace Islam and Communism based upon the cynical principle that the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

Third, Islam needs reform desperately, and it must come from within. No longer can small earth tolerate a major religion whose leaders, national foreign policies, and over a billion of the "moderate majority" of its adherents stay silent, passive or not actively waging violent war against its internal Muslim extremists that would use foreign policy, boycotts, terror and war to attack Israel and exterminate it from the face of the earth. Unbelievers that will not convert must be killed as the  worldwide caliphate is the totalitarian future that its extremists envision as the future of humanity.

I have long written and advised that Muslims must moderate, modernize and demilitarize.

It is near impossible for short-memoried, laid-back Westerners and gentle Progressives to appreciate the historical, ferocious capacity for dominance, and the unflailing will rule the world that permeates the Muslim psyche, even that of its moderate and peaceful majority.

Islam is an old mass movement, so unique and powerful, that, in its active phases, like its resurgence of the last 60 years, something in its theology, its militant mullahs, and its domestic and foreign policy, allow the fanatics among it to never tire, never waver and never cease agitating to wear down and wipe out religious, ethnic, cultural and foreign competitors.

It is unprecedented that any foe should show such murderous intent, such unrelenting aggression against, and such endless attacking an innocent, victimized target of religious bigotry as the Muslims engage in seeking to end Israeli's existence.

There will never be peace for Israel, or even a future, unless Israel and the West to defeat Muslims opponents of Israel that it enjoys 500 years of peace, or unless Muslims Mavellonialize, and on their own decide to bother Israel no more.

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