Saturday, September 12, 2020

Candace Owens

 Candace Owens has a new Prager U video out. It is powerful and spot on. She editorializes that the mob is now ruling America. She asks what blacks want and what do all Americans want. She blames the Left for having, for years, sought to disarm law-abiding citizens, suggesting that the police would protect them once disarmed. Now, we have state like California where many are disarmed, and some municipalities are calling for the police to be defunded, or even abolished.

It looks to her like the media and the Left want absolute anarchy. They do. I believe that absolute anarchy is what they seek, as part of the revolution and race war that they hope to incite so that they can overthrow our government in order to install a Marxist king. They are using blacks under the guise of compaassion  to grab and hold absolute power. That is their true and only aim.

Candance worries that good men and women in blue will be so demonized and attacked they are disincentivized from doing their job, leaving all communities but especially black communities as easy prey for gangbangers as the murder rates skyrocket, the "Ferguson Effect".

 With no peace protection, we cannot keep peace through out civilization, she worries. 

This world of barbarism, decline and lawlessness is a world in which the mayors, chiefs of police and governors virtue signal their support for criminals and attack and handcuff the police. These politicians and the media have incentivized mob rule, controlling it and yet are controlled by it as our streets and Democratically-held cities spin out of control.

Candace criticizes her own people, the black community, by asking what "we" want. She denies that they are after equality--they already have that and racism had died (I add), so they got bored and want more--special, black privilege. Under this mantle, black criminals can go armed, shoot and kill police and rob others without repercussion or being arrested. There is no personal repsonsibility.

This leads logically and inevitably to what I have been warning about. Special, black privilege, if legally sanctioned in America, will lead to institutionalized, legal reverse discrimination against whites. For mob rule and a new black elite to be empowered, our constitutional republic and our capitalism system must be dismantled. In its place with be a socialist dictatorship, with a permanent new elite, blacks among that elite, and whites marginalized, and reduced to second class status, rank and treatment/mistreatment. 

When that dictatorship is revealed as totalitarian, then the reverse racism against whites will be naked and brutal, with death camps and genocide in the offing. This is the new America that the revolutionaries on the Left, the Marxists, the intellectuals and BLM radicals crave to set up.

Candace warns that there is no hope for the black community or any American if the media coddles blacks and uses them to bring about the Marxist revolution so eagerly desired by Leftists.

In an America where black culture and postmodernist culture have taught the young and the majority of adults to be unable to distinguish right from wrong, the civil society has perished, and mob rule and anarchy will rule for awhile until a totalitarian state grows out of it.

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