Saturday, September 26, 2020


 It is not religious cult to be willing to fight to the death, living in the greatest country in the world, a constitutional republic founded on Judeo-Christian spiritual and moral principles given us by the Almighty, a country with a rich tradition of an armed citizenry ready, willing and able to rebel against and overthrow the government that they have consented to be ruled under its Constitution, as long as it protects and guarantees their constitutional and inalienable rights--the right to bear arms comes from God alone, and allows the citizen to defend his life and property from all robbers and usurpers, including federal thugs--until its elites conspire to deprive the people of their lives, rights, liberty, property and guns, as the Democrats seek after today with utter seriousness and resolve. These Progressive fanatics are uncompromising in their power-grabbing, their mass movement dedicated to spreading totalitarian socialism across all of America. The angry and potentially violent resolve and push back from no-compromise conservatives and supporter of unfettered gun rights is not fanaticism but it the obligation and duty of every adult American to adopt.

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