Sunday, September 13, 2020

American Iconclast: The Life and Times of Eric Hoffer

 In a 2011 biography on Eric Hoffer, Tom Shactman, updates us on Hoffer life and times, by pouring over his unpublished papers at the Hoover Institute, and by mining other sources, including previous biographers.

Shactman seems like he studied Hoffer and his papers, but he seems like a biased Leftie to me: I am not sure that he understands, really understands, Hoffer, but that is not suprprising because Hoffer, by my estimation, to this day, is not well understood--at least in terms of what he was hinting at as future ramifications of his philosophy.

I note that Shactman characterizes Hoffer as virulently anti-Communist, and that likely is so, but Tom seems to see  it as ideological bias, rather than a moral, justified censuring of collectivism.

I believe that Hoffer was a proto-individualist and an unstated egoist--he never asserted either position overtly as far as I have read--and, so, like Jordan Peterson, he would avow that the core Western idea is that the individual is sovereign. Any solutions and reforms must grow out of that first principle. To preach collectivist answers would be the expand the cause of evil in the world, not fight it, or reduce it. I believe, Hoffer knew this consciously or implicitly, and that fed his great, deep hostility to collectivist schemes, on the Right or on the Left.

Shactman pretty much accuses Hoffer of racism against black Americans. On Page 103 he writes: "Hoffer's bias toward African-Americans was exacerbated, during the year recorded in this diary, because he was plagued in his rented rooms by noisy blacks who moved in above and below him."

Let me again state my views on being biased or racist: All people are racist or prejudiced (We like the members of our own tribe, and instinctively dislike, disapprove of, think poorly of and are willing to discriminate against outliers from a different tribe.) To transcend one's natural racism requires several steps. First, one must accept that one is a sinner, basically imperfect and are biased. Second, such an approach towards outsiders and members of another tribe or nation is immoral, and one has a moral duty to restrain one's hatred towards others. Third, if a whole community of citizens acknowledges their sinful tendencies (willing to be biased and act in accordance with that bias) and promises and works real hard to treat all other people with dignity, respect and fair play, then a societal ethos of mutual tolerance and cooperation will supersede all natural or incipient urges to act on one's racism. In that community and society, racism is defeated and largely disappears. This is what has occurred in America, the least racist country in the world.

Getting back to Hoffer, his natural racism towards blacks, and his historical context in which white racism towards blacks was much more common, widespread and accepted than it is today, provide historical context for Hoffer's approach to blacks that Shactman does not identify or appreciate. 

Finally, I have read many articles written by Hoffer about black Americans, and he is not an overall racist. I suggest that he wants blacks to leave behind the tribalism and cultural collectivism, the vestiges of which still are powerful and impactful today, although blacks have been in America for decades if not hundreds of years. He wants blacks to adapt and adopt the white culture of individualism, capitalism, hard work, self-reliancee and love of individual liberty demonstrated by white Americans when they are on  their best behavior. With this superior set of values, and the adoption of egoist ethics and the religion of Mavellonialism or self-realization, most of the problems of black Americans would vanish overnight.

Blacks in America have achieved equality. They can forget about white racism, and just go achieve, succeed and build prosperous, free, rewarding lives for their families and themselves with little standing in the way of their so progressing.

This is the line that Hoffer meant or implied, and such a conservative that loves the American way of life is not racist, but is the only non-racist group of Americans. He wants black Americans and all Americans to be regarded and to self-regard as individualists first, and members of various identity groups, only secondarily. 

Liberals and Leftists conflate worth and identity group status, and are obsessed with racism and other natural but unacceptable stances held between members of various identity groups. Their harping on racism, tribalism and group identity brings racism back to life, and indeed they are race-baiters, stirring up hate against whites and conservatives. Hoffer, 50 years ago, intuitively recognized that whole narrative as bogus.

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