Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Real Pressure


It seems as if the Dark Couple and their Evil Spirits are operating a stacked decked against poor humanity, one that makes it near impossible for most people to do the right thing.


The secret is in the sauce, the cliché goes. The secret, that Satan, Lera and their underlings know, and they use ruthlessly, consistently and mercilessly, with precision and gleeful malice, to keep their grip on tragic humanity, is that they know how to bring direct pressure upon people, to keep them in bondage to dark forces.


What is this direct pressure? It is how they threaten each human being, warning her that here on earth that worldly, severe, life-altering, swift, sure punishment will be meted out to her should she seek and strive to leave her wicked pack, to launch out on her own to self-realize, to love herself and others thereby, to serve thereby the Good Spirits, and the good deities.


This world is run by evil forces and principalities and powers of darkness. They know that human nature is innately fallen, that people hate themselves, that people born in sin indulge in sinning for the sake of experiencing perverse pleasure and real satisfaction (short-lived to be sure) in sinning, in ungodly practices.


These demons and fell beings know people run in packs—are born to run in packs as popular, stratified joiners--and therefore holding onto and reinforcing personal obedience to, conformity with, loyalty towards, and exerted effort to maintain and reinforce pack-allegiance is people’s number one priority. Personal commitment to and preservation of personal, tangible, living connection to the pack, ultimately is all that matters for most people.


Their fear of being separated from the pack trumps all other worries—like going to hell after death for rebelling against and defying the good deities, due to heathen continuation of a life of sinning and collectivist depravity as a nonindividuating group-liver. Groupists will pay any price at all, commit the most vile act demanded of them, just to be able to continue being popular and nestled inside their herd, out of sight from divine inspection—they falsely conclude--and unaware of self-consciousness of a rejected self, a life so irremediably spoiled that oblivion and death of the self as a consciousness is the only way to quell their guilty consciences.


The direct pressure that the Dark Couple and their Evil Spirits exert directly and intimately upon each young person is this: If you dare follow your youthful, idealistic ambition to answer the call from the good deities to self-realize, to leave your group, to rise up and put your head above the crowd, to love yourself and to love itself for the sake of itself, to go and sin no more, to walk with the good deities as a fellow maverizer, to commence and work for a lifetime completing your divinely inspired telos to live and grow as a evolving great soul, if you are to live and be alive, then all the worldly and otherworldly forces of hell will fall upon your head and shoulders with maximum punishment for your good choices made.


You will now know what it means to be lonely, really lonely. You will be excommunicated, ostracized, banned, deplatformed, canceled, physically attacked and occasionally murdered by your formerly affectionate peers; your herd that is now undisguised, a revealed, snarling, howling, bloodthirsty mob attacking you directly for your rebellion against the devil.


You are given two choices, right now, and there is no reconsidering your choice, and the worldly consequences for your choice will be swift, final, brutal, and unalterable.


You can have friends, companions, popularity, social rank, an absence of feelings of loneliness and self-loathing, a sense of belonging—all gained by conforming totally to the demands made upon you by your pack.


Or you will be banned, exiled, completely alone and lonely, and forever cut off from your former pack and status within it, should you elect the route of maverizing as a living angels, as commanded of you by the Good Spirits, your immortal but sympathetic, spiritual, self-actualized and self-actualizing brethren, inviting you to join them while alive.


The satanic direct pressure upon each twenty-year-old is bivalent, simple and instantly enforced: you can leave sin and the group and join the divine individualists, but you will be alone forever. Or you can abandon forever the Good Spirits and good deities, and live out your life in collective bliss immersed in your pack, with the understanding that hell or centuries in Purgatory, after death, will be the price you pay for living in sin.


People are born groupist, social, cowardly, selfless, and selfish, weak, and afraid to give life a go on their own. When demonic personalities pressure them to be self-sacrificing and popular, or to be self-interested but without social status, the choice is easy for most people.


Their fear of loneliness and a loss of social standing is a most repugnant option that they will not exercise. Rather, the majority will sell out, conform, and live their lives in sin, betraying themselves, others, society and the Good Spirits.


This drastic, radical tendency to throw away personal happiness, God and meaning for so little is a free choice at some rudimentary level of choosing but the worldly, social, and biological herding pressure operating on most moral beings is so powerful, that people are unwilling and unable to withstand direct pressure from demonic forces acting upon them. To a large degree, their surrender and failure is not a free choice, is not their fault, and becomes close to being preordained mass failure to lead virtuous, holy lives. The good deities, infinitely merciful and understanding, when each of us are judged after death, will fairly take into account how such direct, satanic pressure led the masses to lead lives of destruction and hate.


There is worldly hope. With the arrival upon the scene with Mavellonialist ethics, egoism-altruism, moderate morality, we finally have made some modest ethical progress. We can offer each young adult a way to gain the will, the confidence, the technique and the determination to dare to self-realize and grow as a living angel, with divine rewards in this world and in the next for each maverizer willing to suffer for the sake of the Good Spirits, withstanding all the pressures brought to bear upon them in the world by the Evil Spirits, and their human flunkies.


If we can offer young adults genuine choices, with no direct, coercive pressure upon them: they must decide for themselves which way that they prefer: either they can serve the Good Spirits as winners, individualists and maverizers, or waste their lives as popular clique-bound losers, joiners and nonindividuators.


They can freely choose and there will be consequences, but down the road and after death, for the most part or a large part of their merited eternal fate.


As the majority of young people elect to maverize in line with moderated egoist-altruist morality, and in prayerful service to a good deity of their selection, then we can socially have our cake and eat it to. Each adult will be able to maverize openly and freely, and still be as popular or unpopular, as group-affiliated or group-unaffiliated as he wishes, moving in and out of social arrangements as works for him. But he will able to maverize, to join and leave the pack and then rejoin the pack at will or when lonely without loss of social rank or communal approval.


In this way his choices are both/and (he can maverize and be popular) rather than the old demonic pattern of intimidating direct pressure, effective, either/or option (be a nonindiviudatoring joiner, or be completely always alone).


Were a new generation of postlapsarian adults given a social setting with this both/and group dynamic (one can maverize and still be popular), and with mass introduction to and the willingness to practice Mavellonialist rational egoism, we will have found a social arrangement where the Dark Couple and Evil Spirits now must compete against the Light Couple and the Good Spirits on a level playing field, and there is then a good chance that  this world could become a part of the good kingdom of all the good deities, here on earth.

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