Friday, February 2, 2024

To Speak Out


Jordan Peterson is a very smart psychologist and philosopher, and he is a good and wise man too. I watched one of those snippets online about him recently, and the gist of it was that a primary reason why he is speaking out (He has done so from all the way back to 2016 against bill C-16; now the Canadian government is moving forward to suppress Peterson’s free speaking, through a proxy, an Ontario professional regulatory board backed by judges; the corrupt judges are  allowing Peterson’s free speech rights to be curbed by the censoring, authoritarian Canadian government; if he fails to comply and speak only as reeducated by this licensing board, then he  will lose his psychology license.) is because he considers it a primary moral obligation to speak out truthfully, publicly all the time to keep lies and evil from taking over society.


I agree with him but speaking out can be risky and one can be punished at work, by ostrazizing friends, or by government officials and federal police. Still, one must obey God and live in the truth and speak the truth, no matter how one is punished in this world, and Peterson needs to make people know what they face, but that they must rise to the occasion regardless. That is their spiritual and moral duty: God expects no less from each of us, and demands it of us. God hates lies, evil, injustice and tyranny, and will not reward De’s children that fail in their generation to stand up and be counted, to fight and speak out publicly against evil in their time here on earth.


This moral duty is binding upon each human being, each day. Peterson notes that we have rights (I call them natural, eternal, divine, social and legal rights.) but we also have duties (I refer to them as natural, eternal, divine, social and legal duties) that accompany those rights. The right of free speech, a gift from God, also binds each human being to speak out, publicly, truthfully each time every time. I buy into this completely.


Peterson notes that if we do not speak up against tyranny and evil each time, every time—even if one was a Canadian doctor that lost his license from government punitive actions for his exercising free speech publicly--then our silence may save us temporarily, but the evil, censorship and tyranny will just get worse, and then in five or ten years we will have hard Communism not today’s soft, woke Communism.


It is a sin against God to not speak the truth as well as one knows it (No human knows the full truth, but we can come close, and we need to speak out as to what we know.). Peterson elsewhere has been quoted insightfully that life in a nightmare regime like Stalinist Russia was based on lying by everyone to everyone, and all to themselves, all the time. We need radical free speech and sturdy, unmolested public truth-telling to go on all the time.


We cannot have a category of enforced hate speech ever allowed to curb American free speaking. We want to be able to offend people and tell people what they do not want to hear. Those that are spoken of hatefully or slandered can fight back verbally or litigiously if necessary.


Dennis Prager notes how cowardly we all naturally are. My suggestion is if we raise up a generation of anarchist-individuator supercitizens, these fearless, unfiltered but not insulting, public truth-speakers would force tyrants, censors and intolerant zealots right out of business.

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