Monday, September 9, 2013

The State Know Best

This is the watchword dripping from the lips of the statist. The individual is a helpless, dependent child requiring the nanny state to protect him, to guide him, to provide for him and direct his every movement. The benevolent state and its many sincere, well-intentioned functionaries will never forsake him to struggle and perish in utter freedom in that nasty free market environment. He need dream no dreams, risk nothing and never try to better himself. Struggles towards self-improvement and self-reliance are treasonous, unproductive, counter-revolutionary attempts at him to gain traction as he strives to move away from and loosen the deadly grip of the state. None are allowed to succeed and become selfish, arrogant and self-aggrandizing. Those that insist upon being productive will give back to the collective according to their ability. Non-producers or takers are the ideal citizens, cherished by the state. They never admit to making mistakes. They are not at all responsible for their messed-up lives. They are helpless, hapless, feckless victims entitled to free everything just because they take up space and breathe air. These parasites have learned to ask no questions and to keep their heads down: their reward is subsistence government support. They will be provided for according to their needs. They only need to vote the party lines to reelect their socialist leaders. These exemplary citizens are living the utopian life, the good life. They only need to conform to what their masters and mistresses demand of them. They are to obey in silence and submissive wonder at the brilliance of their overlords, those leaders to far-sighted and superior that their judgment can never be questioned, let alone doubted. The followers are to ask no questions, and are to blindly accept official Big Lies.

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