Monday, September 9, 2013

To Defeat Obama

Journal Entry: 1-6-2012 Obama could be defeated if all conservative citizens and the Republicans in Congress, the right-wing pundits and bloggers would unite and speak as one voice as have the Democrats. As one oppositional voice they should declare him a dictator to be opposed with all their might. They need to launch Occupy Wall Street type right-wing demonstrations. They need to hold lots of congressional hearings in the House to subpoena witnesses and dig to find out what his officials have been up to. He should be sued and impeached for all the extrajudicial, extra-constitutional actions and regulation unilaterally promulgated in the Executive Branch. Conservatives must appeal directly to the voters, revealing how Democrats have not stopped this dictator, unlike how many Republicans worked to thwart Nixon. This President must resign. He is a traitor and a dangerous enemy to the survival of our democracy, our Constitution and way of life. We could be enslaved if we do not speak up right now. We will go bankrupt if we do not curb his statist ambitions. There needs to be a nation-wide, ongoing philippic against this guy building up to his legal removal from office. We dare not let him serve four more years.

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