Thursday, October 1, 2015

Chris Harper Mercer

President Jerkoff politicized this avoidable killing by calling for gun control. Why were the students and professors not armed? They could have put this creep down fast and finally. Good liberal Oregonians likely insisted that the campus likely was a gun-free zone.

Jerkoff Barak allows young blacks by the tens of thousands to be slaughtered in the streets of Democratically controlled cities (with stringent gun control laws) by illegal guns. He gives nuclear weapons to Iran so they can kill millions of Americans. He leaves the borders open so criminals and terrorists can enter our country at will to kill and hurt Americans.

He is a killer disrespecting patriotic, good, law-abiding citizens that have and enjoy the right to bear arms to keep this country free from tyranny, and to  assert their natural right to bear arms as God's soldiers.

This dictatorial, feckless piece of filth would be lecturing no one if the fanatical Democrats and craven, big government, sellout Republicans had not given him everything that he could dream of.

If he gets control of our guns, the dictatorship will be permanent and the Constitution will be irretrievably shredded.

We must fight and hold the line as conservatives, citizens and Tea Partyers to keep this jerk from seizing our guns.

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