Saturday, April 1, 2017


Levin castigates CNN and other traditional media outlets as shameless propaganda centers, media outlets corrupt, mendacious, unprincipled, ideological, Marxist true believers, pseudo-intellectuals that hate and lust to rule the masses.

They are entirely pro-Left and pro-Big-Government. They distort actual news and invent fake news to make what the Left does seem virtuous, never wicked, stupid and profligate (these tendencies go unreported).

Correspondingly anything done well and honestly by the Right and the Trump Administration is much underreported and dismissed and mischaracterized deliberately.

Any actual or alleged wrongdoing by the Right is given full public review over and over again until the lie become official. At that point the lie, the calumniation and the smear become fact for millions of brainwashed citizens.

CNN is as crooked, slanted and owned by totalitarian interests as were the state media outlets in the old Soviet Union, and in current fascist Russia. They are to repeat lies and biased statements pleasing to their masters, the powers that be. They tell lies over and over again until the public are so duped, beaten down and brainwashed that this ominpresent media reality, false and deceiving, become the law of the land, and is how 90% of the people think.

Their narrative is the narrative of all the cowed, led masses. This indoctrination is going on successfully here, with much scary success and little opposition.

The only recourse is many sources of media information, and a citizenry of supercitizens that none can lead, control or indoctrinate. ONly then will the citizens be smart enough, skeptical enough, and independent thinking enough to resist being controlled by these media thugs.

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