Saturday, April 8, 2017

Misleading and Mixed Up Libertarians

To my way of thinking, there are many Libertarians that are gallant, principled individuals seeking to go the third way, that middle way, while insisting upon remaining free and prosperous. Unfortunately, they have gathered together inconsistent, incompatible proposals.

On one hand, they are non-interventionist in International Relations, but allowing Assad to go unpunished for using Sarin gas on his own civilians does send a message to thugs and killers  around the world to go as far as they want because US will not punish them for hteir misdeeds. These aggresors will attack us and our freedom and security will be compromised. Total pacifism and isolationism never work.

On the other hand, domestically, they seek to keep some level of Big Government. Big Government is built and maintained by capturing individual liberty and wealth, making all wards of the state whose life are owned and run and ruined by the state.

That does not sound like and outcome that they really want, but being 1/2 Democrat and 1/2 Republican delivers all their political clout to the Left at a time when they country is already too far to the Left.

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