Saturday, April 29, 2017

To Judge

If you wish to judge others, you must have sufficient knowledge about reality, ethics, human nature, how God works in the world, and the metaphysical ambience that the to-be-judged others are existing in. This mastery of the facts and character of their situations requires intelligence, acute awareness, knowledge and rational engagement for you to judge them effectively. If you lack knowledge and are not rational in how you acquire information and how you apply it, you have no right to judge them. You have no chance of doing so fairly, accurately and successfully. One caveat: only God can see and is fit to judge anyone. Here, I refer to judging as a basic evaluation or educated opinion categorizing the character and actions of others. It is of no lasting significance, nor is it meant to be the divine judgment of us all, enjoyed only by De.

If you judge people emotionally, and if you are unusually honest and clear-headed, and if you converse regularly with God and the Good Spirits, whether you are a loner or joiner, you could still judge others with general correctness, and occasionally with incomparable, brilliant, intuited insight.

This state of judging to the contrary, my general rule proves true: loners more than joiners, and thinkers more than feelers, are best qualified among humans to judge the character and actions of others.

Joiner/Feelers that run in packs are so deceived by illusory group-perceptions and shallow generalizations and stereotypes that they judge poorly and often are wide of the mark.

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